Climate Cooling



Information about climate change has long been distorted, whether one has a need to protect our planet, keep climate research money flowing, to keep readership levels up, or other purpose. The breaking point causing the development of this site was when the Washington Post used a major part of an August 2007 front page to trumpet the fact that the Arctic was at a record low level for sea-ice coverage, yet only said that “the Antarctic sends mixed messages”. The same underlying source page (U. of Illinois) said Antarctica had record high ice coverage on that date. We developed this site to show we could use a subset of scientific data to show the Earth is cooling, similar to what the "Warmers" do to promote their agenda. For objective information, visit our companion site

This site emphasizes the science giving evidence that cooling, rather than warming, is in our future. This evidence does not fit the group-think process and thus is not politically correct.  It is usually brushed under the table but it needs to be evaluated. This site makes clear that cooling is being dismissed by the newspapers and even IPCC. Every effort is made to present factual materials, with citations and links. Information about warming is not presented here, just as cooling is not presented elsewhere.  Essentially, this is a site for those who think before they leap. For those whose mind is predispositioned towards warming, perhaps you should go elsewhere and not become confused by facts.


Climate Change Experience:

Writings and Presentations on Climate Change are available on the main page.

Dr. Everett led work for the IPCC on five impact analyses from 1988-2000: Fisheries (Convening Lead Author), Polar ReIPCC Nobel Prize Recognition to John T. Everettgions (Co-Chair), Oceans (Lead Author), and Oceans and Coastal Zones (Co-Chair/2 reports). He also was a Contributing Expert in developing the IPCC Impact Assessment Methodology protocol.  See IPCC Nobel Prize recognition. He was on the Board coordinating the NOAA Climate Change Research Program.

In 1996 he received the NOAA Administrator’s Award for “accomplishments in assessing the impacts of climate change on global oceans and fisheries.”

He was assigned the climate change duties when he was the National Marine Fisheries Service Division Chief for Fisheries Development in the 1970s. The agency was very concerned about the impact of climate change on the US fisheries and fishing industry. Global cooling. would be devastating to our fisheries and aquaculture. About 1987, the momentum shifted to fears of global warming and as Director of Policy  and Planning for NOAA/NMFS, he was tasked to lead NMFS efforts in dealing with it.

Since leaving NOAA, he has kept abreast of the literature in these areas, has talked to many individuals and groups and has maintained these subjects on the UN Atlas of the Oceans, where he is the Chief Editor and Project Manager. As time permits, he reviews IPCC documents for IPCC and for the US.

Educated and interested in holistic systems all his life, he grew up in a commercial fishing family, being taught by his father and grandfather the importance of such things as the variations in tides, water temperature, storms, and moon brightness at night on the catchability of lobsters, conchs, cod and other species. He has always been sensitive to the ability for virtually immeasurable factors to affect the timing of movements. Changing climate has long been of interest.



Current Interests (Click the picture for a brief résumé):

President, Ocean Associates, Inc. -- Fisheries and Oceans Consulting and Photography. OAI provides professional consulting services to government organizations, the private sector, academia, and UN agencies. OAI's dozens of scientists have carried out ocean and fisheries projects throughout the world. Our senior experts couple diverse work experiences as scientists and senior managers with exceptional educational backgrounds and contacts throughout the United States and world-wide. Teams of OAI Associates and affiliates can be fielded quickly, anywhere, to do analyses, plans, evaluations, and technical reports on oceans and fisheries affairs.

Owner and photographer. OceansArt.US specializes in photography in, on, and around the ocean, rivers, and lakes, including scenery, wildlife, and the human use of our planet's waters. There are hundreds of free photos including boats for fishing, sailing and recreation, shore scenes, seals, lighthouses, floatplanes, and forts plus coastal birds, insects, and flowers. There are also free pictures of favorite cities and zoos and aquariums. Also available are prints and unrestricted, royalty free, licenses for use of higher resolution digital images. Pictures are available for browsing and downloading by topic. We hope that by providing these high quality photos for free, people will better understand the beauty and fragility of our water heritage and will be in a better position to work towards sustainable use of our rivers, oceans, and coasts. See our digital photography tips : DOs and Don'tsChoosing a Camera and Accessories , Downloading Photos, and Editing Photos. The site is at http://www.OceansArt.US

Owner and photographer, TechnologySite. TechnologySite specializes in the photos and history of technological gains of the human species.  There is a focus, as we get started, towards sectors involving the oceans, transportation, and space. Our site has hundreds of free photos. We hope that by providing these high quality photos for free, people will better understand the inventiveness of our ancestors and our contemporaries.  Our growing list of inventions is available here. Our list of most important inventions that have enabled our rapidly advancing civilization are available here. The site is located at

Project Manager and Chief Editor, United Nations Atlas of the Oceans. The Atlas is Internet-based, with information relevant to sustainable development of the oceans and to advancement of science. It is designed for policy makers, scientists and resource managers but is also a major attraction to the public and students. The Atlas includes: 1. an encyclopedic About the Oceans section from how oceans were formed, to their physiology, biology, and climatology, including maps and data bases; 2. the Uses of the oceans from sources of food, livelihood, recreation and energy to conservation, shipping, mining; and, 3. Ocean Issues such as food security, governance, global change, and pollution. The Atlas is at

Education includes a Doctorate and Masters from Florida State Univ. focused on Natural Resources Management, Research Management and on Quantitative Methods. He has a Bachelors from the Univ. of Massachusetts in Engineering.




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