Publications (Source: UK Select Committee on Economic Affairs, Written Evidence)
Nils-Axel Mörner, Head of Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, Stockholm
University, Sweden President, (1999-2003) of the INQUA Commission on Sea
Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, Leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project
Some recent scientific papers by the author (to 2005)
The INQUA Commission—
Authors homepage—
Mörner, N-A, 2005. Sea level changes and crustal movements with
special aspects on the eastern Mediterranean. Z Geomorph. NF, Suppl Vol
137, p 91-102.
Mörner, N-A, 2004d. Changing Sea Levels. In: Encyclopedia
of Coastal Science (M Schwartz, Ed), p 284-288.
Mörner, N-A, 2004c. Sea level change: Are low-lying islands
and coastal areas are under threat? In: "The impacts of climate changes.
An appraisal for the future", p 29-35. International Policy Press.
Mörner, N-A, 2004b. The Maldives Project: a future free from
sea level flooding. Contemprary South Asia, 13 (2), p 149-155.
Mörner, N-A, 2004a. Estimating future sea level changes.
Global Planet. Change, 40, 49-54.
Mörner, N-A, Tooley, M & Possnert, G, 2004. New perspectives
for the future of the Maldives. Global Planet. Change, 40, 177-182.
Mörner, N-A, 2002. Livello dei mari e clima (Sea Level Changes
and Climate). Nuova Secondaria, 10/2002, p 43-45.
Mörner, N-A, 2001. Global and local sea level changes: the interaction
of multipleparametres (hydrosphre, cryosphere, lithosphere, ocean dynamics
and climate).
Schr. Deutschen Geol. Gesellschaft, 14, 3-4.
Mörner, N-A, 2000b. Sea level changes in western Europe.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Autumn 2000 Ed, p 31-36, ICG Publ. Ltd.
Mörner, N-A, 2000a. Sea level changes and coastal dynamics in
the Indian Ocean. Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Spring 2000 Ed,
p 17-20, ICG Publ. Ltd.
Mörner, N-A, 1999. Sea level and climate. Rapid regressions
at local warm phases. Quaternary International, 60, 75-82.
Mörner, N-A, 1996b. Rapid changes in coastal sea level. J.
Coastal Res, 12, 797-800.
Mörner, N-A, 1996a. Sea Level Variability. Z Geomorphology
NS, 102, p 223-232.
Mörner, N-A, 1995. Earth rotation, ocean circulation and
paleoclimate. GeoJournal, 37, 419-430.
Mörner, N-A, 1995b. Recorded sea level variability in the Holocene
and expected future changes. In: Climatic Change: Impacts on Coastal Habitation
(D Eisma, Ed), pp 17-28.
Mörner, N-A, 1995a. Sea Level and Climate—The decadal-to-century
signals. J Coastal Res., Sp I 17, 261-268.
Plus numerous sea level papers in the period 1969-95.
See also:
Lars Mortensen, 2004; Doomsday Called Off, TV-documentary, Danish TV,
This page updated or reviewed in April 2010